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Geneva Lake Keelboat Club
PO Box 387, Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191
HomeRace Area and Instructions

Geneva Lake Keelboat Club
Sailing Instructions


All club races shall be governed by the rules as defined by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).  Rules of the RRS that have been changed by a sailing instruction are identified in the sailing instruction. 



  • RULE 2.1 When races will be postponed or abandoned due to expected or unexpected bad weather, the race committee will attempt to notify its decision by VHF radio, test message or email.  
  • RULE 2.2 When the race committee records wind gusts of 25 mph or higher or sustained winds of 20 mph or higher, all racing shall be abandoned or at the discretion of the Principal Race Officer (PRO).  
  • RULE 2.3 All boats racing or intending to race shall carry coast guard approved Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) for each person on board as well as one throwable device.  Competitors are individually responsible for wearing a PFD.


  • RULE 3.1 A boat that has a yacht registration form on file with the GLKC and is current with its racing fees is eligible provided her owner and helms person are GLKC members in good standing. 
  • RULE 3.2 Two single races may be sailed by a guest boat when the guest boat declares its intention to race to the race committee in writing.  Its race standing shall not be scored unless or until the conditions of section 3.1 are fulfilled.
  • RULE 3.3 For racing yachts, fleet assignments may be made according to the schedule in addendum one (1) of the sailing instructions, and consistent with the current by-laws of the club.         


  • RULE 4.1 Notices to competitors on shore shall be made by text or email messages
  • RULE 4.2 All boats, while racing, shall have an operable VHF radio on board.
  • RULE 4.3 Notices to competitors on the water shall be made by text messages, VHF radio transmissions or loud hail when the L signal flag is based on the race committee boat.  
  • RULE 4.4 VHF radio channel 69 shall be used. 


Any changes to the SI’s or its addendums or supplements shall be emailed or texted no later than 48 hours before it is to take effect.  No changes to the SI’s shall be announced on the water.



  • RULE 6.1 The race committee may postpone or abandon a race or races by text or email or phone message while competitors are still ashore.   
  • RULE 6.2 If a race is postponed, the warning signal will be made no earlier than 30 minutes after notice has been given to the competitors that the race shall be sailed.  
  • RULE 6.3 If the race is abandoned, the race committee will notify the competitors if the race is to be sailed at a later date or dropped from the schedule of races.   



  • RULE 7.1 Fleet indicators, when flown, shall determine the order of start for the fleets
  • RULE 7.2 Signal flag “A” is the indicator for the “A” fleet, signal flag “B is the indicator for the “B” fleet and signal flag “C” is the indicator for the “C” fleet.
  • RULE 7.3 A blue flag, when flown, indicates that all fleets shall start together.


  • RULE 8.1 In the schedule of races shown in the GLKC club yearbook, the times indicated are for the warning signals. 

  a) in the first of the two races, the “A” series, scheduled for fleets A, B and C, there may be a combined fleet start

b) The race committee may determine the order of warning for the fleets for “B” race series.


  • RULE 8.2 Restrictions on times of warning signals

a) For all races scheduled before 12:00 noon, warning signals shall be made no later than 11:10 am.

b) For all races scheduled after 4:00 pm, warning signals shall be made no later than 7:15 pm

c) For all races from mid August through September, the warning signals after 4:00 pm shall depend on the time of the sunset.



The racing area is the navigable water of Lake Geneva.

  • RULE 9.1 The start area shall be identified using the chart of Lake Geneva printed on the back of the club yearbook or Addendum 5 of these SI’s.  
  • RULE 9.2 The race committee shall, by VHF radio, text, phone or email, identify to the competitors the start area no later than 30 minutes before the first warning signal.


All courses shall start with the first mark to windward of the starting line.  

  • RULE 10.1  Courses, course diagrams and course signals are an addendum to these SI’s.  
  • RULE 10.2 Course signals including the number of legs will be black letters and numerals on a white course board on the back of the race committee boat.  
  • RULE 10.3 A drawn triangle on the course board with fleet designators (letters) inside indicates that those fleets shall sail a shortened first leg. 

11.0 MARKS

Marks of the course shall be orange shapes.  

  • RULE 11.1 The race committee shall use a yellow mark to define a shorter first leg of the course. 
  • RULE 11.2 Race committee boats are marks when positioned at one end of a start or finish line, or when replacing a missing mark of the course, or when flying the “C” signal flag to change eat next leg of the course. 


The starting area is rectangular and extends approximately one-quarter length of the starting line along the extensions of the starting line and approximately 50 yards to windward and leeward of the starting line and its extensions. 


  • RULE13.1 Races will be started as provided in RRS 26 except as modified in SI 13.2 and 13.3
  • RULE 13.2  An assembly horn may be sounded one minute before a warning signal for the first race of a series.  This modifies RRS 26 to use an assembly horn and when.  
  • RULE13.3  Flag P, flag Z and the Black Flag shall not be used as preparatory signals.   This modifies RRS 26 as to the use of these flags. 
  • RULE 13.4  If a blue flag is not used for the first or subsequent races, warning signals for each fleet may be made with or after the starting signal of the proceeding fleet.  This modifies RRS 26 as to starting sequence. 
  • RULE 13.5  The starting line will be between

a) A staff displaying an orange flag with a white cross on the race committee boat at one end of the line and the front edge of a mark at the other end of the line, or

b) Marks at both ends of the line.

  • RULE 13.6 Signals will be displayed from the race committee boat at or near one end of the starting line.  
  • RULE 13.7  Boats whose preparatory signal has not been made shall stay clear of the starting area.  
  • RULE 13.8  A boat shall not start later than 10 minutes after the starting signal for her fleet.  This modifies RRS rule 26.
  • RULE 13.9 At the discretion of the PRO no races shall start in less than five (5) mph of wind.


  • RULE 14.1  The race committee will attempt to hail the sail number of each boat identified on the course side of the starting line at the starting signal, and each boat required to comply with RRS30.1.  A boat that fails to hear the hail is not relieved of her obligation to start as defined and that failure will not be accepted as grounds for redress.   RRS 29.1 is modified to add provisions for hail. 
  • RULE 14.2  When a general recall is signaled, the time of the next warning signal, for the recalled fleet, will be determined by the race committee.  RRS 29.2 is modified to give the race committee authority concerning the new start.  



  • RULE 15.1  A change of the next leg of the course will be signaled only as proved in RRS 33(a).  RRS 33 is modified accordingly.  
  • RULE 15.2  When shortening the course or abandoning the race after the race has started RRS rule 32 shall apply.


The finish will be between

  1. A staff displaying an orange flag with a white cross and a blue flag on the race committee boat at one end of the line and a mark at the other end of a line, or
  2. Marks at both ends of the line. 



  • RULE 17.1  If no boat that sails the course reaches the first mark within 30 minutes, the race shall be abandoned.
  • RULE 17.2  If no boat sailing the course finishes within 1 1/2 hours, the race shall be abandoned. 
  • RULE 17.3  If more than one race is scheduled, the race committee will decide if the second race will be sailed or abandoned. 
  • RULE 17.4  The time limit for additional boats to finish is 15 minutes after the first boat finishes within the time limit.   
  • RULE 17.5  Boats that finish later than the time limit in section 17.4 shall be scored one point more than the last boat to finish with the time limit.  


  • RULE 18.1  A racing boat may make electronic transmissions only in an emergency.  But it is mandatory that she notify the race committee that she is leaving the course area.  
  • RULE 18.2. The use of devices that display data derived magnetically or GPS or other electronic devices for viewing data that display course bearings, remaining time, or tactical mode information is permitted unless prohibited by class rules. 


RRS 44 will apply except as modified so that no yellow flag need be used as stated in RRS 44.3 (a) and RRS 44.3 (b).


  • RULE 20.1 A boat intending to deliver a protest after an incident that occurs in the racing area shall notify the race committee boat at the finishing line of her intention as soon as possible after finishing as proscribed by rule 60 (Right to Protest or Ask for Redress): rule 61 (Protest Requirements): rule 62(Redress).
  • RULE 20.2  All protests must be documented using the US Sailing Protest Form.  This modifies RRS 61.2 to use the official protest form.   The forms may be found on the GLKC web page or the US Sailing web page.   
  • RULE 20.3  The time limit to file a protest shall be within 48 hours of the committee boat dock time for the races in which the incident occurred.  The protest may be filed by email or U.S. mail, postmarked within the 48-hour time limit, to the Vice Commodore.  This modifies RRS 61.3 to specify a time limit, type of delivery and to whom.   
  • RULE 20.4  Parties to a protest or request for redress are entitled to a hearing.  It will be held one week after the protest or request for redress is received at a time and at a place designated by the Vice Commodore.  
  • RULE 20.5  Protests may be arbitrated and concluded up to or before a protest hearing is scheduled.  The conclusion should be mutually agreeable to both parties to the protest.   This modifies section 20 of the RRS to allow for arbitration.  
  • RULE 20.6  The decision of the hearing or arbitration shall be emailed to all interested parties or, if requested, sent a cop of the decision by U.S. mail with 48 hours of the decision.  This modifies rule 65.2 as to the time for the decision to be communicated and how it is to be communicated to the interested parties.  
  • RULE 20.7  The protest committee may reopen a hearing if notified by a party to the hearing within one week of the original hearing by email or U.S. mail if post marked within the one-week time limit.  Only one appeal shall be allowed or each hearing.  This modifies rule 66 as to time and limit. 


  • RULE 21.1 For a race to be scored, at least three boats must be in the starting area at the time of the warning signal.  This modifies RRS 45 as to time and starting sequence.
  • RULE 21.2  It will be the decision of the boats present to race or not.
  • RULE 21.3  Corrected finish times will be calculated using the Time-On-Distance method.  The distance raced in miles is multiplied by the boats PHRF giving the seconds per mile to be subtracted from the boats actual finish time.  The corrected time I used to determine a boats finishing place overall and within its fleet.       
  • RULE 21.4  There shall be two throw-outs per series, one after a boat finishes for (4) races and one after a boat finishes eight (8) races.  This modifies RRS A2 to allow for more than one throw-out and when the throw-outs should occur.  


Club member’s achievements on the race course may be acknowledged at a Trophy Banquet with trophies and other prizes or awards presented.


Competitors participating in GLKC races do so at their own risk.  See RRS rule 4, DECISIONS TO RACE.  The GLKC will not accept any ability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to or during or after a GLKC race.


Each participating member boat of the LGKC shall be insured with a third-party liability insurance. Proof of such valid insurance shall be on file with the GLKC.





Race Course Examples – Triangular, Olympic, Windward/Leeward, Off-Set Start and Modified (New)

Course Designations – The GLKC Race manager will set one of the four standard configurations above based on weather conditions and available daylight at the time of the start.  The course designations for each course have changed for 2017.  The course board will no longer have zones listed in the course to be sailed.  The course board will now list abbreviations for each type of course to be sailed.

Example:             Triangle = T                        Windward Leeward = W

                              Olympic = O                       Modified = M (See note)

Off-set Start = X     (R/G= Port rounding   G/R = Starboard Rounding)

NOTE: Modified (M) course.  This alerts the crews they will sail a ½ leg to windward to finish the race.

The course board – A course designation is written on the course board before the start of the race. The course board will have three items of information listed, the Fleet, followed by the type of course to be sailed and then the number of legs to be sailed.  One exception is the Olympic course will only have legs listed when it is a modified course. 

The Off-set Start will indicate an R/G (Port) or G/R (Starboard) indicating which direction to turn at the Off-set mark.

If a course is preceded by a triangle that fleet will sail an alternate course and turn at the yellow mark on the windward leg.










Standard courses






OM 5 ½


TM 3 ½


WM 2 ½

Modified courses






XT 5 R/G


XT 5 R/G


XW 6 R/G

Offset courses






T 3 ½


T 4


W 3

Alternate Course


Fleet Assignments
U.S.Sailing PHRF Fleet Assignment
Less than 170 A fleet
171 to 199 B Fleet
200 and greater C Fleet
All new boats without a U S Sailing PHRF will be issued a provisional handicap by the Race Committee Chairperson until such time a U S Sailing PHRF is provided.
Race Schedule and Start Times
(Add 2017 schedule)
Course Diagrams, signals and Explanations
(See course diagrams from Kevin and print here)
Fleet Awards for A, B and C Fleets
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for WED series 1
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for WED series 2
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for WED series 3
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for WED Overall WED Series
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for SAT series A
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for SAT series B
1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards for Overall SAT Series
Lightest Air
Heaviest Air
Fleet Challenges – Best 15 of 25 and Best 9 of 15
Racing Area
(Add lake chart now on the back of the yearbook)

All Races start in Zone S - Feel free to hail the GLKC Committee boat on VHF Ch 69 if you are having difficulty finding the start!

The course posted below starts in S, then to buoy in F, then to buoy in G, then back to buoy in S, twice
around ending at finish at F buoy.  The C/D fleet has same course except they turn at yellow
tetrahedron buoy in S. All buoys to port is standard unless otherwise noted.

GLKC Committee Boat

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